through exploring and getting out in the world. I can tell you that eating healthy away from home is no easy feat. We give ourselves “permission” to indulge on a trip because well, we want to have fun right? We deserve to! It’s part of the experience to bravely try a local delicacy or even familiar favorites we know are unhealthy.
Equally, on the road for an event, activation or competition where we know our kids need calorie intake to support their energy levels, it’s easy to allow unhealthy choices. We tell ourselves “they’ll burn it off”, right?
Whether we are traveling for a purpose or and adventure with our families the change in routine and schedules in itself as it pertains to our diet is undoubtedly disruptive. We all want to have the energy needed to get the most out of the adventures and experiences or simply feel our best to accomplish the purpose of the trip. In and throughout the
Family Support Program
we learn the ways to increase our energy to stay ahead of our kids regardless of changes in routines and schedules.
Even with an increase in the popularity of home away from home rental properties equipped with kitchen staples, we usually just don’t feel like cooking after a busy day. Not to exclude business trips here either as a supermarket trip to navigate unfamiliar aisles and then haul it back to a foreign kitchen can feel painful. The frugal bones in my body despise over shopping and being left with too much as well.
The mindset of, “they can eat whatever they want” and “traveling is meant to be fun and eat naughty foods” can work against you leaving everyone bloated, tired, and irritable.
There are easy peasy ways to work around healthy eating obstacles and ensure everyone is not only fed well but also enjoys themselves.
Whether you’re traveling by plane, train or automobile, it's dehydrating. You should consume half your body weight in ounces of water every day. Oftentimes when we think we are hungry, we are actually just thirsty. Pack a reusable water bottle as that in itself will remind you of the priority and importance to refill and stay hydrated. Bonus points to you for reducing environmental waste too.
Pack WAY MORE Snacks Than You Think You Should
Packing a ton
of snacks is the key to keeping a diet regular while traveling. Stocking up on non-perishable snacks supports staying ahead of hunger. Which also avoids getting “hangry” or feeling famished and overeating when you sit down at the restaurant or allow your kids to overindulge at the snack bar.
Some of my favorites include:
● Rice cakes with almond butter
● Celery and baby carrots
● Whole Fruit
● Jerky
● Protein bars
● Trail mix
Family Support Program
includes recipes for on the go adventures and they are
you’ll make them with your kids at home too!
Bring Your Own Meals For The Road
Airplane food and rest stops are not famous for offering the best options. A secret travel hack is to bring oatmeal or soup cups with you. All you need is hot water which the flight attendants and gas stations will typically accommodate. You’ll not only feel better but also won’t be paying for anything extra - which always adds up!
Breakfast Is The Most Important Meal Of The Day
You’ve heard that throughout your life and it’s still true today. Bringing easy to pack breakfast items such as apples, bananas or my favorite: muffins packed with veggies like carrots or zucchini. Not only will these fill you up with whole grains and vitamins but also keep everyone full and energized for the day’s activities. In this way you’ll also avoid being reliant upon whatever the airport or rest stop options are which might not be appealing or satisfying. The
Family Support Program
includes simple and easy clean recipes for on the go breakfasts!
Make An agreement With Yourself And Your Family To Eat Veggies With Every Meal
This is easier than you may think. It will balance out feeling guilty for indulging in treats and extras and allows you to enjoy the local flare. With kids, we always want to make it fun so you can share with them this is part of the adventure, exploring, including being brave is part of the experience. Further, they need the right nutrients and minerals as FUEL.
Scope Out Restaurants With Nutritious Menus Before You Leave
Thankfully, farm to table isn’t a “trend” anymore, it’s quite common. As you’re mapping out your adventures, including the trails to walk or hike, attractions to visit, also check out local eateries so you are prepared ahead of time.
Energizing Foods For The Adventures That Lie Ahead
The energy needed for a competition, or even a fun hike, the long trip, or exploring an attraction on your free time, is easily managed with high-quality lean proteins and healthy fats. Balanced meals are important, but lack of healthy fats and protein can lead to early burn out. A good dose of lean protein and healthy fats not only deliver the energy needed but keep blood sugar levels stable.
Be sure to include a few of these amazing choices:
● Egg salad
● Tofu salad
● Nuts and nut butters
● Quinoa mixed salad
● Lean meats
● Hemp and chia seeds (you can literally eat these on their own)
● Spirulina
● Avocado
● Coconut oil
● Wholegrain pasta salad with veggies and lean meat
When you need extra tips and tricks to support you and your family, we are ALWAYS excited to jump in and offer our knowledge. Reach out to our team via email at
or check out our Social Channels for tons of juicy content!