Easton Archery Center for Excellence
former US Olympic Training Center
2800 Olympic Parkway, Bldg 2000
Chula Vista, CA 91915
USA Archery Competitive Age Classes
Entry Fee: $70 per person
Deadline: July 15, 2025
*Exact times subject to change
World Archery Rules apply.
Metric 900 Round
Archers shoot 30 arrows at each of the 3 different distances for a total of 90 arrows. Four minutes will be given for each end of 6 arrows. All archers shoot at a 122cm target face for all three distances.
Yeoman Boys & Girls: 20, 15, 10 meters
Bowman Boys & Girls: 30, 25, 20 meters
Cub Boys & Girls: 40, 30, 20 meters
Cadet Boys & Girls: 60, 50, 40 meters
Junior Boys & Girls: 60, 50, 40 meters
Adult Men & Women: 60, 50, 40 meters
Senior Men & Women: 60, 50, 40 meters
Master Senior Men & Women: 60, 50, 40 meters
Target Assignments
Archers will be given a target # as well as a letter designation, A, B, C, or D. We will be running a double line. The AB archers will go first, followed by the CD archers. The order will alternate with each end (End #1, AB goes first. End #2 CD goes first, etc.) During their time to shoot, the A and C archers will stand in the left position, and the B and D archer stand in the right position. Please check target assignments during the check-in period at the archery range.
Note that bow types and genders may be mixed to give archers an opportunity to shoot with people they would not normally get to shoot with.
(recommended items to bring)
● Archery Equipment
● Pens for scoring
● Pop-up tents and chairs
● Water and Snacks
● Sunscreen, hat, sunglasses
● Scope/Binoculars
● Camera
Food will be sold on site!
Awards will be given in each class under the following rules:
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Funded in part by the San Diego Tourism Marketing District Corporation with City of San Diego Tourism Marketing District assessment funds.