2525 Bacon St, San Diego, CA 92107
2 Games Guaranteed. Pool play, followed by single elimination.
Only U18 and U16 Divisions will be guaranteed posts. For all other divisions, scoring will be operated using a try box
All balls have been generously donated by San Diego Legion and will be used for all games.
Register early - Limited number of teams accepted
Under 8 Novice
Under 8 Experienced
Under 10 Novice
Under 10 Experienced
Under 12 Novice
Under 12 Experienced
Under 14 Novice
Under 14 Experienced
Under 16 Boys
Under 18 Boys
Under 15 Girls
Under 18 Girls
Entry Fees:
15% off entry fees if you regsiter by May 15th!
Final Deadline: July 1, 2025
The first eight (4-6) teams in each division to complete registration will be accepted. Early entry is strongly encouraged as tournament slots fill quickly!
No late entries will be accepted
Open to any California, neighboring states, and international teams (pending director approval).
Players must be CIPP to the team that is registering form the tournament. Proof of CIPP registration required to participate.
Rules: California State Games will follow SCYR and USA Rugby rules and age eligibility guidelines for all divisons.
Team Roster: Max of 15 players per team
2025 Schedule to be posted after Registraiton Deadline
Gold and Silver medals will be awarded to the top 2 teams in each division.
All athletes' parents/guardians must complete and submit a CSG Athlete Waiver prior to competing.
2017 Rugby - Sunday: GU16 & GU18 / BU16 & BU18 / 2017 Highlight Video
2016 - Rugby Photos
2015 - Rugby Photos
Olivia Soares
Email: osoares@sdlegion.com
Kylee Wetsel
Email: kylee@legioncommunity.org
California State Games Privacy Policy I Site Map
Funded in part by the San Diego Tourism Marketing District Corporation with City of San Diego Tourism Marketing District assessment funds.